March 22, 2003 [LINK]

The big pitch

D.C. and Virginia officials made their big sales pitches to the MLB franchise relocation committee in Phoenix this week. Hopes for getting the Expos franchise next year are still fairly high in the D.C. area, according to a online poll. Out of 2444 responses so far, 58.7% think the Expos WILL move to the D.C. region for the 2004 season.

Unfortunately, according to another online poll, the most popular stadium site is the one that would be most likely to draw fans from Maryland. Out of 2444 responses so far, 58.9% picked the New York Avenue site several blocks north of the U.S. Capitol. Selecting this site would play into the hands of "Dr. Evil" (Orioles owner Peter Angelos), who is leading the resistance to ANY baseball team in the Washington area.

NOTE: This is a "post facto" blog post, taken from the pre-November 2004 archives.