November 30, 2005 [LINK]
I drove out to Bell's Lane late this afternoon, and sure enough, I saw three Northern harriers, which were reported by Allen Larner. They were the first harriers of the season for me: one adult male (gray) and two females or juveniles (brown). Augusta Bird Club member Jo King arrived while I was scanning the fields, but we never did see the hoped-for Short-eared owl. On the lower pond that is visible from the high point, I saw a Great blue heron, a dozen or so American coots, plus some Mallards, probable Ruddy ducks, and other ducks. Several meadowlarks were calling, and I spotted one on the ground, and a White-breasted nuthatch, which seemed out of place in such open country.
A Sharp-shinned hawk landed in our back yard this afternoon, but flew away before I could get a picture. Princess and George were unaware, thankfully.