October 9, 2006 [LINK / comment]

Mexico deplores 700-mile fence

After expressing doubts that it would even be built, Mexican officials are now expressing outrage at the "inhumane" fence that will (presumably*) be built along the U.S.-Mexico border. As reported by CNN.com, "Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez called it an 'offense' and said Wednesday his office was considering taking the issue to the United Nations." Huh? Here's a thought: If the Mexican people put half as much effort into improving their own country as they do trying to sneak into ours, their economic growth rate would double!

* Various loopholes attached to the appropriations bill signed by President Bush raise questions about whether the fence will be built as advertised.

Solution: 700-mile ladder?

That's what "Juan Ajob" reports is underway, in response to the U.S. fence construction project. Read it for yourself at gunsnbutter.com.

On a more serious note, I hope that the Mexican government at least starts to take this issue seriously and enacts needed reforms on its side of the border, so that the fence won't have to be built.