May 2, 2003 [LINK]
Tigers & Cubs
Today's Washington Post has a big article on the woes of the Detroit Tigers, who have won 3 games and lost 23 so far this season. If you ask me, the problem is that the new stadium has ripped the soul out of the team. Every time I see a video clip from Comerica Park, I cringe. Why did they ever leave Tiger Stadium??? I wonder what Tom Selleck thinks?
They seem to have eluded much attention so far, but the Chicago Cubs have maintained a steady lead in the NL East. Could this be their year, at long last? It's obviously very early in the season and a fairly tight race, in any case. The Cubs' improvement may be due to new manager Dusty Baker, who got revenge against his former team in San Francisco yesterday. Alex Gonzalez and Sammy Sosa hit home runs in the top of the 10th inning, helping the Cubs beat the Giants 5 to 1.
Kevin Costner has expressed support for his co-stars from Bull Durham. 'Nuff said.