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June 11, 2003 [LINK]

Interleague nostalgia

One of the clear advantages of interleague play is that fans get a rare opportunity to see ancient rivalries being relived. Last weekend the Yankees played in Wrigley Field for the first time since the 1938 World Series, and this time the Cubs won two out of three. Meanwhile, the Athletics played in Philadelphia for the first time since they left Philly and headed west to Kansas City in 1955.

Last Sunday's Washington Post had an article about the Astrodome, which has not been used for pro sports since 1999 and is slowly decaying. Nevertheless, many Texans are still proud of its role in changing the state's image back in the 1960s and want to preserve it indefinitely. Some have suggested turning it into a hotel for hosting special events, or perhaps even a museum.

NOTE: This is a "post facto" blog post, taken from the pre-November 2004 archives.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 19 Oct 2011, 2: 41 PM

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