October 8, 2003 [LINK]
Red Sox & Cubs: high drama
WOW! The Red Sox win in Oakland on Sunday night was high tension the whole way, and I don't blame Manny Ramirez for his jaunty trot after he hit that game-winning home run. (About time!) That was quite a scary collision in short center field between Damian Jackson and Johnny Damon, whose concussion may keep him out for a few days and perhaps the rest of the postseason. As a generous-spirited Yankees fan, I say "may the best team win." And how about Game 1 of the NLCS last night??? I thought the Cubs were on their way to dominating the Floridians after their big four-run first inning last night, but "Pudge" Rodriguez's third-inning home run proved otherwise. The rest of the game was an ultra-tense slugger's duel, with Sammy Sosa's clutch game-tying home run in the bottom of the ninth (about time!) providing Wrigleyvillians with one of the biggest outbursts of overjoyed relief in their lives. Too bad that the Marlins' ultimate margin of victory was such a squeaker of a home run, just out of Kenny Lofton's reach. (*CORRECTION: I just realized that "Pudge" was acquired by the Marlins just before this past season, not during midseason.)