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January 13, 2006 [LINK]

Incessant flirting by Princess

Princess, George at windowDriven by raging hormones, perhaps, Princess just can't stop flirting at the window, flapping her wings and chirping loudly. George jealously stands vigil around her, just in case. Today a Mockingbird in the bush aroused Princess's attention. Interspecies romance? Hey, she's not too picky. Goldfinches (which are related to canaries) have been scarce here recently, perhaps frightened away by hawk attacks.

"Curious George" flew into our bathroom earlier this week, and I snapped a photo of him perched on the shower curtain rod; click on this image to see. He stopped singing in December, but his libido seems not to have diminished.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 13 Jan 2006, 10: 51 AM

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