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February 20, 2007 [LINK / comment]

Hard feelings among Yankees?

Many people expected that Alex Rodriguez would have been traded by now because of his disappointing postseason performance. His regular season stats were fine but perhaps less than what New York fans have come to expect of their superstars. Now it seems that his friendship with Derek Jeter is cooling, saying he wants to remain a Yankee but may consider exercising his contract option to leave after this year. David Pinto thinks that story is overblown. It may be just contrived PR hype to generate fan interest. Meanwhile, veteran outfielder Bernie Williams has failed to show up at spring training in Tampa, upset that the Yankees front office won't guarantee him a spot in the regular lineup. He proved an invaluable replacement after Hideki Matsui was injured, and I would hope the Yankees can reach an understanding with him. See ESPN.

Web page reformatting

The Stadium statistics page has been revised, and now features scrolling rows of data, obviating the need for multiple column headings. The vertical alignment may vary from one browser to the next, however, depending on the width of the scroll bar. This is part of my annual "spring cleaning" of Web pages, aiming for convenience, functionality, and enhanced appearance. Please contact me ASAP if you experience any problems viewing that page, because I plan to adopt a similar format for all such statistical reference pages. One forthcoming format change of a more general nature is trying to make pages suitable for varying monitor sizes. In the past my pages have been designed primarily for an 800x600 pixel monitor, for the sake of folks with older browsers, but that is now changing. For the next few weeks, there will probably be a few awkward inconsistencies; my apologies during the "reconstruction phase."

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 20 Feb 2007, 1: 14 PM

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