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June 16, 2007 [LINK / comment]

High-tech "energy hogs"

The New York Times explains how technology turns many of us into unwitting "energy hogs." DVD players, computer peripherals, etc. that never turn off per se [but instead switch to "standby" mode] are consuming hundreds of extra watt hours per home every month. "Indeed, the Department of Energy estimates that in the average home, 40 percent of all electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off." Sadly, I'm afraid that syndrome applies to me, even though I'm always turning off lights in rooms if nobody is there. Our household did buy those new-fangled fluorescent light tubes that supposedly save you a lot of money over the long term, but I still need to turn all those machines OFF in an efficient, routine manner. I was pleased to learn how energy-efficient iMacs are compared to Mac Pro desktop units and other PC brands, but it's a small consolation. Hat tip to Connie.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 16 Jun 2007, 10: 53 PM

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