January 31, 2008 [LINK / comment]
Painted bunting perseveres
In spite of frigid temperatures, the Painted bunting that has taken up winter quarters near Verona is still there, and doing just fine. What a hardy creature! My previous visits to the home of Chris Waldrop this month did not pay off, but late this afternoon we got lucky. It was the first time Jacqueline had ever seen it, and she was duly impressed. The photo I took wasn't that great, as the sun was already sinking by the time "the star of the show" arrived, but the bird's posture was better than the last time I saw it, in late December. Other birds of note today:
- Cedar waxwings
- Robins (50+) *
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Fox sparrow
- Field sparrow
* The last time I was there, I must have seen over 500 Robins flying overhead, in successive waves at dusk.

Otherwise, not much to report, bird-wise. The usual Red-tailed hawks along the highways, and the occasional White-breasted nuthatch or Downy woodpecker out back. It's too gosh-darn cold outside!