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June 28, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Stadium pages reformatted

I have finished reformatting the stadium pages, with an improved navigation interface for comparing successive stadiums for each team and (where appropriate) various phases of the same stadium. As one immediate benefit of this latest upgrade, the "Impressions" feedback feature should now function properly on all sixty-odd stadium pages.

In that regard, thanks to Marco Trejo of Las Vegas for being the latest person (just a few days ago) to add their stadium impressions, in this case, PETCO Park. Thanks also to the fans who have recently added their impressions to other pages. All you have to do is register. (It's easy, safe, and free, so why not join the fun?)

In addition, I have updated and reformatted the Stadium chronology (by decade), Stadium chronology (annual), and Stadium statistics pages. All of those reference tables will feature scrolling data rows from now on, for ease of use. I will have to check for compatibility across various browsers and operating systems, so if anyone encounters something out of alignment, please let me know. Finally, I have deleted the Dimensions page, which served primarily to highlight discrepancies but was mostly redundant. A number of stadium diagram upgrades are in the final stages of completion as well. Stay tuned!

All-Star picks, 2008

I was too busy with political fun and games this time last year, but had enough time to submit choices for the All-Star Game to (You can vote as many as 25 times, but once is enough for me.) Some of those names are relatively new to me, and after looking at their individual records, I now know why the Nationals had such a hard time against the two former Washington teams (the Twins and the Rangers) last week.

WANTED: Your photos!

camera icon There are still six current major league ballparks for which I don't have any photos yet, plus four former such ballparks and a few miscellaneous stadiums, mostly "neutral venues." Please Contact me if you would like to share some of your "photographic memories" with other fans.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 28 Jun 2008, 5: 51 PM

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