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January 20, 2009 [LINK / comment]

More winter ducks, and a Phoebe!

I managed to squeeze in two brief bird outings over the past two days: At the big farm pond on Bell's Lane yesterday, I spotted quite a few duck species, and at the scenic (and currently frozen) Peaks of Otter along the Blue Ridge Parkway late this morning, I saw a Phoebe, which is unusual this time of year:

	Location:     Bell's Lane (Staunton)
Observation date:     1/19/09
Number of species:     12

Canada Goose     60
Gadwall     4
Mallard     6
Northern Shoveler     2
Northern Pintail     2
Redhead     3
Ring-necked Duck     6
Lesser Scaup     15
Ruddy Duck     4
Red-tailed Hawk     1
American Kestrel     1
American Coot     3

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
	Location:     Peaks of Otter Recreation Area
Observation date:     1/20/09
Number of species:     9

Black Vulture     4
Red-shouldered Hawk     1
Downy Woodpecker     1
Eastern Phoebe     1
American Crow     3
Song Sparrow     2
Swamp Sparrow     2
Dark-eyed Junco     20
Northern Cardinal     2

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 21 Jan 2009, 12: 20 AM

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