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July 29, 2009 [LINK / comment]
Valley League Baseball 2009
Because of rainouts and other commitments (such as watching Nationals games on TV), I had not been to a local baseball game all summer until last night. I picked a good game to see, as the hometown Staunton Braves trounced the Waynesboro Generals, 16-8. Half of Staunton's runs came in the third inning, with five hits, two walks, and two errors. That was a big enough cushion, but they kept piling on more runs late in the game. For the box score and play-by-play, see valleyleaguebaseball.com; local star Donovan Huffer scored three runs. Attendance: 1,601, about twice what I estimated.
The Valley League Baseball consists of college players who want to improve their skills during the off-school months of summer. This year there are twelve teams, from Covington in the south to Winchester in the north, divided into three divisions. The regular season comes to a close this weekend, and Staunton has already clinched the southern division title, with the second-highest win-loss percentage in the league as a whole. Four teams (including the wild card) will vie for the league championship trophy.
Over in Waynesboro, Chris Graham laments the disappointing season of the Generals, who are 16-26: "There's always next year." See augustafreepress.com. He has been tirelessly promoting Waynesboro's team all season long, organizing fan get-togethers, etc., and he deserves a lot of credit for that.
John Moxie Stadium
Vital statistics:
Lifetime |
Capac- ity |
Outfield dimensions (feet) |
Be- hind home plate |
Fence height |
The Clem Criteria: |
Built |
Status |
LF |
LC |
CF |
RC |
RF |
Field asym. |
Arch. design |
Seat prox. |
Loc. |
Aesth. |
Over- all |
??? |
fair |
(1,200) |
340 |
355 |
360 |
355 |
325 |
(35) |
20-10-20 |
3 |
4 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
5.8 |
The grandstand of John Moxie Stadium, in Staunton, Virginia.
Ted Bosiak Field: Staunton Braves vs. Waynesboro Generals, July 28, 2009.
To be more precise, it is "Ted Bosiak Field at John Moxie Stadium," I believe.
Nats' streak ends
After winning four games in a row -- two against the Padres and two against the Brewers -- the Washington Nationals fell short this evening, losing 7-5. The aggregate score during that rare "winning streak" was a lopsided 38-12, so it's too bad they couldn't have saved up some of that offensive power for when they really needed it. Tomorrow they face the Brewers in a fourth game, and will try to win the second series in a row. And how about those Cubs, beating the Astros 12-0! They are running neck and neck with the Cardinals in the NL Central.
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 30 Jul 2009, 12: 57 AM
(unformatted URL) .
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March 13, 2009 Tax revolt in Augusta County!
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March 27, 2009 Facebook: resistance is futile
April 5, 2009 RPV chair Frederick is removed
April 8, 2009 Fujimori is convicted, again
May 3, 2009 (Very) Big Spring Day, 2009
June 12, 2009 Tiger Stadium memorial update
June 16, 2009 Home runs in New Yankee Stadium
June 28, 2009 Obama's health care proposals
June 29, 2009 House votes to regulate climate
July 7, 2009 R.I.P. Michael Jackson, Superstar
July 9, 2009 Conservative defeat in Mexico
August 16, 2009 Great Baseball Road Trip 2009
August 23, 2009 Road Trip 2009: The Birds of August
August 27, 2009 R.I.P. Edward M. Kennedy
September 7, 2009 Two clutch homers end Nats' skid
October 10, 2009 Republicans reunite in Verona
October 16, 2009 Health care polemics heat up
November 4, 2009 Republicans sweep Virginia races
November 5, 2009 Yankees are the 2009 champions
November 21, 2009 Senate votes on health care
December 23, 2009 Musings on health care "reform"
December 30, 2009 Decade of creation, and destruction
December 30, 2009 Whither the Republican soul?
December 31, 2009 A (half) decade of baseball in D.C.
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