February 27, 2009 [LINK / comment]
Even though a world championship still eludes them, the Chicago Cubs have become a huge commerical success. While the rest of the country is shutting down and selling out, they are talking about a new multistory building development on the south (first base) side of Wrigley Field. At present, a large souvenir/sporting goods shop and similar small businesses occupy the plot of land in question. The proposed "mixed-use mega-complex" would include a posh hotel, a health club, etc. Will this spoil the neighborhood atmosphere of Wrigleyville? It will if they cater so much to upper-income people that regular fans get left behind. See nbcchicago.com and addisonparkonclark.com. Hat tip to Mike Zurawski.
NOTE: Due to human error (mine), this blog post did not appear when it should have, on February 27. Instead, the baseball blog post from one year earlier was posted for a second time. My apologies.