September 21, 2009 [LINK / comment]
I made a quick stop at Betsy Bell Hill on Saturday morning in hopes of seeing some migrating warblers, but no such luck. If I were smart, I would have joined Jo King's Augusta Bird Club field trip to McCormick's Mill last week, where they saw TEN (10) warbler species. Arghhh... I did, however, see a particular bird for only the third time in my life: a Black-billed cuckoo. At first the view was obscured by all the foliage, and I had to wait for a couple minutes until its head popped into view, just to make sure which species it was. The red eye, black bill, and absence of reddish tint on the wings left no doubt. Sometimes a birder's patience is rewarded!
Later that day I headed over to Bells Lane, but did not find any exotic shorebirds this time. I was pleased, however, to see at least a dozen Palm warblers, as well as a Savannah sparrow, both of which were the first ones I've seen this season. Very nice.
Out back yesterday, I saw a hummingibird for the first time in at least a week.