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May 12, 2005 [LINK]

Wrigley Field update

At l-o-n-g last I have finished the revisions to the Wrigley Field page, which now has a dynamic diagram that lets you "travel through time" as the Home of the Cubs evolved toward the place we know and love today. It includes the walkways between the seating tiers of the lower deck, in part to draw attention to the "bend" in the seating rows on each end of the grandstand. Note that the diagram of the original configuration (1914, when it was called "Weeghman Park") is the result of thorough and painstaking research from various sources and photographs, many of which were graciously sent to me by Bruce Orser. Thanks a million, Bruce! Because it is based on limited information (aerial photographs were very rare around the time of World War I), however, that diagram may need to be revised in the future. A football version diagram of Wrigley Field (Da Bears!) is still pending.

Diagram harmony

Note that the revised Wrigley Field diagrams are now oriented with center field at the top, and are the first ones to be based on a new standardized layout to which nearly all diagrams will conform eventually. That means home plate will be at the exact same coordinate, so that you can make much better comparisons between stadiums on the "Side-by-side page, and on the pages where thumbnail diagrams appear. One of the most regular visitors and "tipsters" to this site, Steven Poppe, urged me to do just that many months ago. I hesitated, in part because I was afraid the stadium pages would no longer be easily viewable on computers with a 800x600 pixel monitor, but I think I can get it to work for most stadiums. Some very large stadiums, such as Memorial Coliseum or Cleveland Stadium, will have to remain the way they are. It may take me several more months to tackle this project, but I'll get there eventually.

Another sponsor!

Many thanks to Michael Rudolf for sponsoring the Yankee Stadium page. As a result, that "green cathedral" just moved up several notches on my "to-do" list.

Back to the real world

The injury-plagued Nationals dropped another close on in Phoenix last night, and will host the Cubs this for a three-game series weekend. Both the Cubs and Yankees recently ended long losing streaks, but both have a lot of "repair work" to do before they can resume a serious quest for the division lead. Royals manager Tony Peña resigned this week, and Hall of Famer George Brett said he's not interested in the job. (See the Royals Web site.) Brett showed up on Wheel of Fortune this week; he still has that big grin of a high school jock.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 12 May 2005, 11: 45 PM

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