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January 9, 2007 [LINK / comment]
Chavez marches toward socialism
On the eve of his third inaugural ceremonies, Hugo Chavez declared that Venezuela would nationalize the electrical and telecommunications utilities, some of which are owned by U.S. companies. This was presented as part of his campaign to transform into a socialist state. "We are in an existential moment of Venezuelan life. We're heading toward socialism, and nothing and no one can prevent it." Basically, he is striving to reverse all of the privatizations that took place in the 1990s, when the government was struggling to regain solvency. As soon as he is inaugurated again, Chavez plans to travel to Nicaragua and discuss plans with new president Daniel Ortega. Venezuela will provide resource "loans" to pay for a variety of infrastructure, health, education, agricultural, and housing projects. CNN.com
After OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza took exception to the license of Radio Caracas Television not being renewed (because it favors the opposition), Chavez called him "stupid." In response, OAS foreign ministers rallied to Insulza's support, led by Chile. As a result of these latest verbal outbursts, the stock market in Caracas dropped by nearly 19%. See El Universal. Chavez probably isn't too worried about the capital markets, figuring that he can do anything he wants with all that oil money coming in. Somehow, he is managing to sustain the momentum of radical anti-imperialist, keeping people agitated by heated words and ever-more precipitous policy changes.
Meanwhile, in the U.S.A., Joe Kennedy has been appearing on television ads for CITGO, drawing attention to the fuel oil assistance program. Too bad it's been such a mild winter so far...
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 10 Jan 2007, 12: 03 AM
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January 4, 2007 ~ 110th Congress: open for business
January 24, 2007 ~ The State of the Union, 2007
March 28, 2007 ~ Mark Steyn's America Alone
April 19, 2007 ~ Senator Hanger comes to Staunton
April 30, 2007 ~
Sen. Hanger's campaign kick-off
June 1, 2007 ~
Stars shine for Senator Hanger
June 12, 2007 ~
Republicans In Name Only? You be the judge!
June 13, 2007 ~
How sweet: Reason prevails
June 24, 2007 ~
SWAC bloggers air dirty laundry
August 13, 2007 ~ Hasta la vista, Karl Rove
August 21, 2007 ~
Fading dreams of democracy
August 6, 2007 ~
Nats sweep World Champion Cards!
September 23, 2007 ~ Au revoir, RFK Stadium
October 18, 2007 ~ Nationals 2007: Year in review
October 25, 2007 ~
Augusta County Campaign 2007
October 29, 2007 ~ Red Sox sweep Rockies; Dynasty?
November 7, 2007 ~ Democrats win Virginia Senate
December 14, 2007 ~ The Mitchell Report is released
December 29, 2007 ~
The death of Benazir Bhutto
December 31, 2007 ~ Baseball 2007: Year in Review
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Blog highlights have been compiled for the years 2010-2012 thus far, and eventually will be compiled for earlier years, back to 2002.
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