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August 1, 2007 [LINK / comment]

Jacobs Field update

Jacobs Field The Jacobs Field diagrams have been revised, based on Google Maps as well as a closer inspection of my own photographs. In particular, to my surprise, the angle of the grandstand is a degree or two wider than I had previously estimated. Also, the walkways to the parking garage behind the left field scoreboard are now included, as is the new "Heritage Park" beyond the center field wall.

Braves get Teixeira

In the closing hours before yesterday's deadline, the Braves acquired first baseman Mark Teixeira from the Texas Rangers. That's about the only major trade, as far as I can tell. Having fallen into third place in the NL East, the Braves need help fast.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 01 Aug 2007, 1: 40 PM

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The "home made" blog organization system that I created was instituted on November 1, 2004, followed by several functional enhancements in subsequent years. I make no more than one blog post per day on any one category, so some posts may cover multiple news items or issues. Blog posts appear in the following (reverse alphabetical) order, which may differ from the chronological order in which the posts were originally made:

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