May 17, 2008 [LINK / comment]
Saturday in the park: windy!
In hopes of catching the last few migrating songbirds of the season before they are all gone to parts further north, I walked through Montgomery Hall Park this morning. The skies were clear blue, but it was surprisingly chilly and windy, which added to the sense of discomfort from having unwittingly bought a cup of cold (or perhaps room temperature) coffee at a local convenience store -- yuck! I hate when that happens. The birds were apparently in no mood for socializing today either, though I did come across one first-of-season bird -- a Magnolia warbler. Today's highlights of what I saw:
Location: Montgomery Hall Park
Observation date: 5/17/08
Number of species: 19
- Downy Woodpecker -- 2
- Northern Flicker -- 1
- Great Crested Flycatcher -- 2
- Red-eyed Vireo -- 3
- Magnolia Warbler -- 2 (FOS)
- American Redstart -- 1
- Eastern Towhee -- 1
- Brown-headed Cowbird -- 4
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
I also heard a Yellow-billed Cuckoo and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Late yesterday afternoon I drove up to Verona to see if the Painted Bunting was still there, but without luck. On the way back, however, I did get a good view of my first Grasshopper Sparrow of the season along Bell's Lane.

Locust flowers, at the top of the hill in Montgomery Hall Park.