May 30, 2008 [LINK / comment]
Augusta mass meeting video
It's too late to have any real effect, but for the record, I just posted my six-minute version of the "Meeting of Mass Destruction" on YouTube, with a few creative embellishments for effect. It concludes with a brief summary of events since the meltdown in Verona, some questions about what the "grassroots" people are leading us to, and finally a pair of pertinent quotations, from Newt Gingrich and Barry Goldwater. Enjoy!
Who's really "in the closet"?
There were some other YouTube videos on the Mass meeting, two of which were produced by former Albemarle GOP chair Keith Drake, whom I met at that meeting. His videos are entitled "Hanger's Closet," with the sinister implication that the senator has some dastardly covert agenda or something that he is trying to hide. How utterly ridiculous! It's also extremely ironic coming from the faction that has earned "renown" across the Old Dominion last year for assuming false identities to spread their disinformation and dirty laundry. They probably think they'll get away with it, since most people these days have such a short attention span. ("That's ancient history!") Sorry, the truth will come out eventually, as it always does, and there will be an accounting for all those misdeeds.
For example, "General Grievous' Dog" kept himself busy in the early months of 2007, smearing C-ville blogger Waldo Jaquith, former RPV Communication Director Shaun Kenney, and several other bloggers, including me. It was a big insider's joke, the "worst kept secret" in the Virginia blogosphere, I was told. The hard-core SWAC Jobs linked to the "Dog," and said they knew who it was but wouldn't reveal it. (It is Kurt, isn't it?) Such lack of candor is a singular mark of dishonor, and is a major reason for the breakdown of trust and party unity in the Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County region. I displayed these images from the notorious blog after it was transformed into "Teddy's Dog" and then finally went into hiatus last July:

Roll mouse over the image to see the closeup, with the "BOGUS" label superimposed.
At one point he fraudulently identified me as the blog registrant, which was going too far. After I raised hell with the folks at Blogger over this egregious violation of their rules against identity theft, the "Dog" went "into hiding." Ever since mid-July, all you can see at General Grievous' Dog is a big smiley face. Very cute.
That is only one of many example of SWAC-area bloggers who throw mud while hiding behind false identities. We all know about the silliest examples, such as Johnathan Maxfield, Attorney at Law -- NOT! But even among bloggers with a higher degree of credibility, there is a recurrent shyness that stands in odd contrast to their extreme outspokenness. It took many months before "SWAC Girl" revealed her true name, and others in that faction have gradually followed suit. While I was taking the video of the mass meeting, she started chuckling about something, and as I panned the camera over her way, she felt compelled to hide her face. (Screen grab below.) Guilty conscience, perhaps?

Finally, "Elle" (Inpolitically Correct) went into hiatus in February, presumably playing it safe during her recent run for reelection. In the last few weeks, however, she has reemerged, but her blog is now closed to the general public. What's with the hiding behind the invitation-only bit, Anne? It is Anne, isn't it?

When are the SWAC Jobs going to come out of the closet???
Actually, some of them have, at least on a part-time basis: