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September 7, 2008 [LINK / comment]

Frank Wolf for Congress

One of the most esteemed senior members of the U.S. House of Representatives is Frank Wolf, from the 10th Congressional District, which covers western Fairfax County and a few counties north and west of there. He was first elected in 1980, part of the Reagan Revolution. Over the years, however, he became known as someone who was deeply committed to promoting U.S. human rights objectives, and as a champion of bipartisan cooperation. Now he is running for his 15th term, facing a challenge from Judy Feder, who ran against him two years ago. The Washington Post noted that Wolf will be the only incumbent Republican on the ballot in Northern Virginia, since neither Sen. John Warner nor Rep. Tom Davis (11th District) will be running again. That region that has been leaning more and more Democratic as the years pass, but for a person like Frank Wolf who does not emphasize ideological "wedge issues," such a shift in partisan affiliation does not automatically translate into a loss of votes.

I met Congressman Wolf in 1987 or thereabouts, at a post office where he was holding a routine meeting to hear his constituents' concerns. I was asking him to support the Contadora peace initiative in Central American, and he politely told me he supported the Reagan administration's policy in that region. (Looking back, I'd say he chose wisely.) Anyway, I was impressed that he took the time to listen to little old me, and to explain his own position. Well, I thought, perhaps there are some good Republicans after all. In the years that followed, I came across more and more Republicans like him, and the rest is history. There is a reason that Frank Wolf has enjoyed solid reputation over the years as a devoted public servant: he earned it by being honest and hard-working, not seeking personal glory or his own political advancement. He is genuinely a nice guy. In order to start winning elections again, the Republican Party will need more people like him who put the public interest first and foremost, ahead of partisan politics. Vote for Frank Wolf for Congress!

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 08 Sep 2008, 12: 33 AM

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