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November 29, 2008 [LINK / comment]

(Another) Wrigley Field fixup

Wrigley Field Not long ago, I realized that the Wrigley Field diagrams needed more accurate profiles, so I fixed that and made several other minor adjustments to the grandstand. There's nothing like actually being at a stadium to get the details right.

Next will be a few touchups on Citi Field and Yankee Stadium, and then back to the previous schedule...

The mail bag

Mike Zurawski sends the following news items: The Florida Marlins have postponed by one year the target completion date for their future stadium. Team president David Samson blamed the "frivolous" lawsuit filed by Norman Braman, who tried to block public funding for the stadium. They profess not to be worried about the state of the economy. The Marlins now hope to have it ready by 2012, and the Miami Dolphins are not likely to evict them even though their lease runs out after the 2010 season. See

Also, the Texas Rangers are adding two rows of luxury box seats behind home plate at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, which will raise the capacity by 88 seats. They will cost much more, of course, and even though current front-row season ticket holders get the first crack at the new seats, a lot of them will be mad. See What the Rangers really need to think about is how to cut back on the surplus capacity; with over 49,000 seats in a market that isn't that big, their stadium is looking emptier every year.

Also, the dimantlement (dis-Mantle-ment?) of Yankee Stadium is picking up steam, as the statues and plaques at Monument park were removed removed two weeks ago. See

COMMENT by: John Crozier, of Long Island, NY on Dec 04, 2008 17:17 PM
Hi Andrew, I was wondering if you were going to eventually include a hockey configuration for Wrigley Field. The ice will be just above the diamond, and will run from third base to first base (approx), and will have no seating on the playing field. Just another suggestion.

COMMENT by: Andrew Clem, of Staunton, VA on Dec 04, 2008 21:29 PM
Yes, I do intend to make a hockey version, but I'll wait until I have seen the match being played so that I know where to put the (presumed) temporary bleachers.

Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 04 Dec 2008, 9: 29 PM

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