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July 15, 2009 [LINK / comment]
Can Steele bring blacks to GOP?
There are any number of reasons to admire Republican National Chairman Michael Steele: He overcame social adversity and skeptical attitudes as he climbed the political ladder and was elected the first African-American lieutenant governor in Maryland's history. He is a forceful, articulate advocate of mainstream conservative principles, exuding sincerity and depth of character. He has worked in the centrist-oriented Republican Leadership Council, and after a lot of hard work and arm-twisting, finally won over enough votes to become elected RNC chairman in January. Now he is busy with fund-raising and pushing the party to broaden its appeal to long-neglected groups such as African-Americans. As part of his "Freedom Tour," he made a speech to the 100th convention of the NAACP, taking place in New York. If the Party of Lincoln could be faithful to its founding principles of emancipation, and enacted public policies that rewarded individual initiative, millions of deprived minorities could live better, happier lives. See the Washington Post.
Deeds and black voters
The black vote may turn out to be decisive in this year's governor's race in Virginia. Last month Larry Sabato noted that even though Virginia has become more moderate and Democratic than it was four years ago, he nonetheless estimates that Deeds' share of the black vote in the recent primary election was 3 or 4 percent less than that of his party's 2005 candidate, Tim Kaine. This points to a huge opportunity for Republicans: "A robust showing this year could be decisive, particularly in Hampton Roads, where McDonnell broke into politics as a member of the House of Delegates, Sabato says." See Richmond Times Dispatch; hat tip to Carl Tate.
Deeds rakes in the cash
One thing Creigh Deeds does have in his favor is access to cold, hard cash; during the month of June his campaign raised twice as much money as Bob McDonnell. See newsleader.com.
More "porkulus" baloney
As the debate over whether to throw more good money after bad as a follow-up to President Obama's stimulus package rages on in Washington, take a look at what House Minority Leader John Boehner has to say about one of the lesser-known elements of that package at YouTube. $16 million was appropriated to save an endangered rodent found in the in San Francisco Bay area, in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district. Save the Salt Marsh Harvest Mice!
Hat tip to Rich Raab.
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 16 Jul 2009, 12: 25 AM
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January 5, 2009 Illegal immigration: no problem
January 10, 2009 Bush's fiscal profligacy: a recap
January 20, 2009 Inauguration Day 2009
March 13, 2009 Tax revolt in Augusta County!
March 14, 2009 Mexican Army counterattacks
March 27, 2009 Facebook: resistance is futile
April 5, 2009 RPV chair Frederick is removed
April 8, 2009 Fujimori is convicted, again
May 3, 2009 (Very) Big Spring Day, 2009
June 12, 2009 Tiger Stadium memorial update
June 16, 2009 Home runs in New Yankee Stadium
June 28, 2009 Obama's health care proposals
June 29, 2009 House votes to regulate climate
July 7, 2009 R.I.P. Michael Jackson, Superstar
July 9, 2009 Conservative defeat in Mexico
August 16, 2009 Great Baseball Road Trip 2009
August 23, 2009 Road Trip 2009: The Birds of August
August 27, 2009 R.I.P. Edward M. Kennedy
September 7, 2009 Two clutch homers end Nats' skid
October 10, 2009 Republicans reunite in Verona
October 16, 2009 Health care polemics heat up
November 4, 2009 Republicans sweep Virginia races
November 5, 2009 Yankees are the 2009 champions
November 21, 2009 Senate votes on health care
December 23, 2009 Musings on health care "reform"
December 30, 2009 Decade of creation, and destruction
December 30, 2009 Whither the Republican soul?
December 31, 2009 A (half) decade of baseball in D.C.
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