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May 25, 2011 [LINK / comment]
Governor visits Staunton
Governor Bob McDonnell came to Staunton on Monday, appearing at two special events. In the morning he was at the School for the Deaf and the Blind, where he signed a piece of legislation that makes American Sign Language qualify for foreign language requirements at schools of higher learning. In the afternoon, he was at Cadence Incorporated, located in the Green Hills Industrial and Technology Center, announcing a major investment by that manufacturer of precision medical instruments. The company "will invest $15.9 million to expand its operation in the City of Staunton and create 65 new jobs within three years," according to the Governor's Web site. Also see the News Leader.
This deal came about because the Governor approved the allocation of $150,000 from his discretionary economic development fund. It may have been the key factor in why Cadence chose this area over the leading alternative, Costa Rica. (!) The money is supposed to help train the new workers, and perhaps defray other costs. One might question whether this sort of state economic intervention is consistent with free market policies that are often touted by conservative Republicans, and it certainly bears scrutiny. Realistically, however, there isn't much that state and local leaders can do about the situation, because "everybody does it." Perhaps some constitutional reform can put a lid on such policies that pit one state against another.
Gov. McDonnell presents a $150,000 check to Staunton Mayor Lacy King (left) and Cadence Technologies CEO Peter Harris.
Augusta County politics
Over the past month, the local political picture has come into a little clearer focus. Former Augusta County Republican Chairman Kurt Michael and his associate David Karaffa announced they are running for the Augusta County Board of Supervisors, in the Beverley Manor and Wayne districts, respectively. Karaffa was the preferred "Base" candidate in July 2009 when the local Republican leaders had to choose a new candidate after Chris Saxman abruptly announced he wasn't going to run again. Dr. Marshall Pattie is running in North River district. Meanwhile, incumbent supervisor Tracy Pyles is running for reelection. Pyles was the lone dissenter during the controversy over property taxes March 2009, becoming a tacit ally of the "grassroots" faction in the local Republican Party. He in effect endorsed Michael, Karaffa, and Pattie. (See the News Leader.) I posted a comment about Michael tossing his hat into the ring on the blog piece "Bloggers who have run for political office" at bearingdrift.com. Because the precise district boundaries have yet to be finalized, however, there remains some question about the fall campaign.
Posted (or last updated or commented upon): 25 May 2011, 10: 20 AM
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March 9, 2011 ~ Life bird: (un-) Common Redpoll
March 31, 2011 ~ Batter UP!!! Opening Day 2011 is here!
April 3, 2011 ~
Legislators seek redistricting input (?)
April 18, 2011 ~
Tea Party Tax Day rally
May 1, 2011 ~ Confirmed: Osama bin Laden is dead!
May 25, 2011 ~ Governor visits Staunton
May 30, 2011 ~ Nationals WIN, then resume plunge
June 2, 2011 ~ Republicans declare candidacies
June 14, 2011 ~ Anti-tax dogma vs. fiscal sanity
June 23, 2011 ~ Nationals sweep Mariners; Riggleman quits
June 26, 2011 ~ Two extraordinary extra-inning games
July 8, 2011 ~ Nationals sweep the Cubs (almost)
July 26, 2011 ~ Debt ceiling showdown: farce majeur
August 1, 2011 ~ Leaders compromise on debt ceiling
August 20, 2011 ~ Baseball road trip 2011: Missouri
August 31, 2011 ~ Is Obama getting desperate?
September 11, 2011 ~ 9/11: Ten years later
October 1, 2011 ~ THREE "shots heard around the world"
October 3, 2011 ~ Hundreds of hawks, dozens of warblers, and three bears!!
October 10, 2011 ~ Kansas performs in concert at JMU
October 10, 2011 ~ R.I.P. Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)
October 29, 2011 ~ The Cardinals are world champions again
November 5, 2011 ~ Washington Nationals: year in review
November 9, 2011 ~ Republicans gain, State Senate is tied (?)
November 28, 2011 ~ Newt gets real (?) on immigration
December 3, 2011 ~ Moneyball, the A's, and Billy Beane
December 14, 2011 ~ Libertarians don't get no respect *
December 31, 2011 ~ Those wintertime no-baseball blues
Blog highlights have been compiled for the years 2010-2012 thus far, and eventually will be compiled for earlier years, back to 2002.
The "home made" blog organization system that I created was instituted on November 1, 2004, followed by several functional enhancements in subsequent years. I make no more than one blog post per day on any one category, so some posts may cover multiple news items or issues. Blog posts appear in the following (reverse alphabetical) order, which may differ from the chronological order in which the posts were originally made:
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