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Contact me ~ Baseball site map: 
Stadium prospects
Franchise /
Stadium |
Exp. demise |
Reloc. prob. |
Washington Nationals /
RFK Stadium |
2008 |
0% |
New York Mets /
Shea Stadium |
2009 |
0% |
New York Yankees /
Yankee Stadium |
2009 |
0% |
Minnesota Twins /
Metrodome |
2010 |
0% |
Florida Marlins /
Dolphins Stadium |
2011 |
25% |
Oakland Athletics /
Network Assoc. Col. |
2013 |
15% |
Tampa Bay Devil Rays /
Tropicana Field |
2020 |
25% |
Los Angeles Angels /
Angel Stadium |
2020 |
0% |
Boston Red Sox /
Fenway Park |
2025 |
0% |
Chicago Cubs /
Wrigley Field |
2025 |
0% |
Kansas City Royals /
Kauffman Stadium |
2025 |
0% |
Los Angeles Dodgers /
Dodger Stadium |
2025 |
0% |
NOTES: This table includes "at-risk" stadiums, mostly those that are over 15 years old. "Expected demise" (end of baseball use) reflects the stadium's physical condition, the franchise's plans, and the political climate. "Relocation probability" pertains to the entire span of the stadium's expected life. |
Baseball archives
Baseball 2009
Baseball 2008
Baseball 2007
Baseball 2006
Baseball 2005
Baseball 2004
Baseball 2003
Baseball 2002
Postseason scores since 2002
Stadium updates (current year)
Site map
Terms of use
All stadium diagrams © by Andrew G. Clem; photos by Andrew G. Clem, John D. Clem, or others as indicated.
Disclaimer: This web site has no connection to Major League Baseball or any of its affiliated franchises. The information contained herein is accurate as far as the author knows, and the opinions expressed are his alone.
Civic religion
This Web site is dedicated to the proposition that baseball plays a unique role in overcoming social distrust and uniting our fair republic. For further musings, see
Civic religion.
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(In case the automatic redirect doesn't work...)
Please go to the NEW Baseball blog page.
"New" as of 2006, that is...
This page is obsolete, but serves as a kind of "museum" of how the main baseball blog page used to look, with some of the then-current content.
April 17, 2006 [LINK]
Web site Spring cleaning
As part of my relentless, never-ending efforts to make this Web site more automated and interactive, I have begun a transition to a new blog system that will entail a slight change in Web site addresses. Unless I have slipped up somewhere, you shouldn't notice any differences in page format or functionality for the time being. In a slight departure from blogosphere custom, the blog entries on the archives pages will henceforth be listed in natural chronological order, starting with the earliest date. To me, that makes it a lot easier to review old material. For the time being, the "legacy" blog and archive pages (".shtml") will remain intact, and they will eventually have an automatic redirect to the new pages (".php"). As part of this transition, there will be feedback features in the near future, as long promised. Note that the new Macintosh & Miscellanous page serves as the residual catch-all for all blog posts that don't fit into any other categories. That means general culture, religion, music, movies, science, computer technology, and non-baseball sports. From now on, the monthly and categorical archives pages will include all blog entries, up to and including the current date. Therefore, there will be some overlap between current blog pages and archive pages. Here are the new and old addresses for the main blog categories. Please adjust the bookmarks in your Web browser accordingly, and as always, "thank you for your $upport."
One of the tradeoffs with this new system is that I will lose flexibility in making cross blog posts between more than one category. From now on, each post will appear on one, and only one blog category page. That is why you will see this blog post (classified as "miscellaneous") on the old Baseball blog page, but not the new one.
UPDATE: Another change is that for each successive day, blog posts on the central blog page will henceforth be listed from top to bottom in reverse alphabetical order of their category (wild birds first, baseball last), irrespective of what time of day they were originally posted.
Reminder: Legacy blog pages (ending in ".shtml") will not be updated after today. Please choose one of the new blog pages.
April 16, 2006 [LINK]
Nationals win two straight
After losing six games in a row, Washington won back-to-back games for the first time this season. Today's hero was Ryan Church, who just got called back from the minor league New Orleans Zephyrs* as Brandon Watson was demoted. (How appropriate for Easter Sunday: Church!) He knocked two home runs today, including the go-ahead shot in the top of the ninth. It was a close-fought, back and forth game, and the Nats finally prevailed, 7-5. It was a beautiful day in Miami, but barely 10,000 folks showed up to watch. I suppose it's hard to maintain fan enthusiasm when the franchise is shopping around for a new home. The Saturday game (final score 2-1) was a classic pitchers' duel, as Jon Patterson struck out 13 batters, tying his personal best.
On the down side, Jose Guillen missed the entire series against the Marlins because of a strained rib muscle. In the fifth inning of Friday's game pitcher Ryan Drese had to leave because of a sore elbow, and today, the Nats' new shortstop Royce Clayton left the game after his left arm was hit by a pitch. With such a thin farm system, the Nationals are especially vulnerable to losses due to injuries.
* The Zephyrs are the only professional sports team from New Orleans that has played all their scheduled home games in their customary venue since Hurricane Katrina struck.
Impending upgrades
The lack of blog posts recently reflects my "behind-the-scenes" Web site upgrading efforts. Please stand by...
Previous blog entries can be found at: Baseball 2006 Archives.