Andrew home Photo gallery Spring 2007:
Various day trips

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The marsh and main commercial building in Mount Solon. (March 25)

An old building in Mount Solon. (March 25)

Old bridge at Stokesville, west of Mount Solon. (March 25)

The southern end of Massanutten Mountain, east of Harrisonburg. (April 20)

Madison Run, and the adjoining trail/fire road. (April 20)

Wade's Mill, a restored 19th-Century facility that produces various kinds of flour and meal once again. (May 12)

Buffalo Springs Herb Farm, next to Wade's Mill in northeastern Rockbridge County. (May 12)

Miniature horse, just west of Raphine, on the way back from Wade's Mill. We saw a Great Egret at a farm pond down the hill. (May 12)

View toward the north from the summit of Humpback Rocks. Our hike began at the parking lot whose entrance is visible at the right; 1,000-foot vertical climb! (May 13)

Jacqueline, enjoying the sun and the view at the peak of Humpback Rocks. (May 13)

Rockfish Valley, from one of the scenic overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway. (May 13)
