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Home page >> Photo Gallery main page >> Nature Photo Gallery >> Wild birds, year by year Last updated:
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Dark-eyed Junco (Vermillion, SD, 1/2/14)
Horned Larks ~
(female) (Clay Co., SD, 1/3/14)
Horned Larks & Lapland Longspur (Clay Co., SD, 1/3/14)
Lapland Longspur (Clay Co., SD, 1/3/14)
American Tree Sparrow (S of Owatonna, MN, 1/7/14)
Snowy Owl (Harrisonburg, VA, 1/12/14)
Redhead, male (Silver Lake, Dayton, VA, 1/12/14)
Gadwall, male (Silver Lake, 1/12/14)
Buffleheads (S.L., 1/12/14) ~
American Wigeon, male (S.L., 1/12/14) ~
American Coot, American Wigeon (S.L., 1/12/14)
Belted Kingfisher, male (Dayton, VA, 1/12/14)
Mute Swan ~
closeup (S.L., 1/15/14)
Green-winged Teal, male (Bell's Lane, 1/15/14)
Sharp-shinned Hawk ~
closeup (Waynesboro, 1/18/14)
European Starling (Staunton, 1/24/14)
White-throated Sparrow (JMU Arboretum, 1/31/14)
Song Sparrow (JMU Arboretum, 1/31/14)
American Coot ~
(?) Scaup: F (Silver Lake, 1/31/14)
American Wigeon, Redheads, male (Silver Lake, 1/31/14)
Kestrel, male (Bell's Lane, 2/1/14)
White-winged Scoter, male (Waynesboro, 2/5/14)
Greater Scaup, male (Waynesboro, 2/5/14)
Bufflehead, male (Waynesboro, 2/5/14)
Sharp-shinned Hawk, immature (Staunton, 2/8/14)
Red-necked Grebes (Lake Shenandoah, 2/8/14) ~
Long-tailed Duck, male (Willow Lake, 2/10/14)
White-throated Sparrow (Staunton, 2/13/14)
Eastern Bluebird, male (Bell's Lane, 2/19/14)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Nellysford Ruritan Park, 2/20/14)
Red-tailed Hawk (Bell's Lane, 2/23/14)
Red-breasted Merganser, male ~
female ~
mixed group (Lake Shenandoah, 2/23/14)
American Crow (Staunton, 3/1/14)
White-crowned Sparrow (NE of Fishersville, 3/1/14)
Black-crowned Night Herons (Waynesboro, 3/1/14 & 3/14/14)
Brown-headed Cowbird: F, snow (Staunton, 3/3/14)
R-W. Blackbirds, Cowbirds (M), in snow (Staunton, 3/3/14)
Savannah Sparrows (Bell's Lane, 3/4/14)
White-crowned Sparrow ~
(juv.) (Bell's Lane, 3/4/14)
House Finch, male ~
Goldfinch (Staunton, 3/9/14)
Carolina Wren (Staunton, 3/9/14)
Red-necked Grebes (Lake Shenandoah, 3/9/14)
Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaups (Lake Shenandoah, 3/9/14)
Sandhill Cranes (W of Harrisonburg, 3/13/14)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Coyner Spr. Park, Waynesboro, 3/14/14)
Northern Shoveler ~
(F) (McCormick's Mill, 3/15/14)
American Wigeon, male (McCormick's Mill, 3/15/14)
Ruddy Duck (Willow Lake, 3/15/14)
Hooded Mergansers: M, F (Highland County, 3/16/14)
Fox Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 3/17/14)
Tundra Swans (Bell's Lane, 3/17/14 & 3/18/14)
American Pipit (Bell's Lane, 3/17/14)
White-crowned Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 3/18/14)
Red-shouldered Hawk (SW of Crozet, 3/19/14)
Ring-necked Duck, male ~
female (Waynesboro, 3/19/14)
Ditto, & Lesser Scaup (Target pond, Waynesboro, 3/19/14)
American Wigeon, male (Target pond, Waynesboro, 3/19/14)
American Coot (Lake Shenandoah, 3/22/14)
Snow Goose (Rockingham Mem. Hospital, 3/22/14)
Ring-necked Duck, White-winged Scoter (RMH, 3/22/14)
Eurasian Collared-Doves (Mt. Solon, VA, 3/23/14)
Downy Woodpecker, male (Staunton, 3/24/14)
Mockingbird, falling snow (Staunton, 3/25/14)
Clay-colored Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 3/26/14)
American Kestrel (Bell's Lane, 3/26/14)
Hermit Thrush (Piney River, Nelson Co., 3/27/14)
Pine Warbler (Piney River, Nelson Co., 3/27/14)
Red-shouldered Hawk, juv. (Rockfish E.S., Nelson Co., 3/27/14)
Double-crested Cormorant (Quillen's, Stuarts Draft, VA, 3/27/14)
Buffleheads: M & F (Sweet Briar College, 4/1/14)
Blue-headed Vireo (CVCC, Lynchburg, 4/3/14)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, male (Augusta Springs, 4/5/14)
Winter Wren (Augusta Springs, 4/5/14)
Mallards: M & F (Augusta Springs, 4/5/14)
Bald Eagle nest, deer (Swoope, 4/5/14)
Buffleheads: M & F (Lake Shenandoah, 4/5/14)
American Coot (Lake Shenandoah, 4/5/14)
Ruddy Duck (Lake Shenandoah, 4/5/14)
Killdeer (Leonard's Pond, 4/5/14)
American Crow (SARS trail, 4/6/14)
Northern Flicker, male (Staunton, 4/11/14)
Gray Catbird (Swoope, 4/11/14)
Tree Swallow (Swoope, 4/11/14)
American Kestrel, female (Swoope, 4/11/14)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Chimney Hollow, 4/12/14)
Pine Warbler (Chimney Hollow, 4/12/14)
Louisiana Waterthrush (Chimney Hollow, 4/12/14)
Brown-headed Cowbird, male (Bell's Lane, 4/13/14)
Sandhill Crane (Barrenridge Road, 4/16/14)
Eastern Phoebe (Sanger's Lane, 4/16/14)
Great Blue Heron rookery (Sanger's Lane, 4/16/14)
Pine Warblers, male ~
female (Piney River, 4/17/14)
Ovenbird (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Pine Warbler, male (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Blue-headed Vireo (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Black & White Warbler, male (Madison Run, 4/19/14)
Prairie Warbler, male (Piney River, 4/24/14)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Piney River, 4/24/14)
Northern Parula, male (Chimney Hollow, 4/26/14)
Blackburnian Warbler, male (Mont. Hall Park, 4/27/14)
Hairy Woodpecker, male (Mont. Hall Park, 4/27/14)
Broad-winged Hawk, snake (Mont. Hall Park, 4/27/14)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Mont. Hall Park, 4/27/14)
Black-throated Green Warbler, male (MHP, 4/27/14)
House Sparrow, male (Staunton, 4/30/14)
Yellow-rumped Warbler, male (FCM, 4/30/14)
Palm Warbler, yellow (Front. Cult. Mus., 4/30/14)
Yellow Warbler, female (Front. Cult. Mus., 4/30/14)
Field Sparrow (Blackwater Tr., Lynchburg, 5/1/14)
) Red-eyed Vireo (Blackwater Tr., Lynchburg, 5/1/14)
Broad-winged Hawk (James River, Lynchburg, 5/1/14)
American Redstart, male (BRP, Afton Mtn., 5/1/14)
Red-winged Blackbird, male (Bell's Lane, 5/2/14)
American Goldfinch, male (Bell's Lane, 5/2/14)
Black Vulture (Bell's Lane, 5/2/14 & 5/5/2014)
Hooded Warbler, male (Jarman Gap, SNP, 5/3/14)
N. Rough-winged Swallow, male (Front. Cult. Mus., 5/3/14)
Palm Warbler, yellow (Front. Cult. Mus., 5/3/14)
Yellow Warbler, male (Front. Cult. Mus., 5/3/14)
Montage (Betsy Bell Hill & Bell's Lane, 5/5/14)
Wood Thrush, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/5/14)
Canada Warbler, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/5/14)
Chestnut-sided Warbler, female (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/5/14)
Yellow-rumped Warbler, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 5/5/14)
Solitary Sandpiper (Bell's Lane, 5/5/14)
Baltimore Oriole, male (Bell's Lane, 5/5/14)
Prairie Warbler, male (Piney River, 5/6/14)
Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager,* Prairie Warbler, male (Piney River & *Rockfish Valley Trail, 5/6/14)
) White-eyed Vireo (Rockfish Valley trail, 5/6/14)
Common Yellowthroat, male (R.V. trail, 5/6/14)
Magnolia Warbler, male (Mont. Hall Park, 5/7/14)
Black-throated Blue Warbler: M (Sweet Briar Coll., 5/8/14)
Blackpoll Warbler: M (Sweet Briar College, 5/8/14)
Cerulean Warbler: M (Long Mtn. Wayside, 5/8/14)
Black & White Warbler: M (Blue Ridge Pkwy., 5/8/14)
Downy Woodpecker in tree hole ( " , 5/8/14)
Blue-winged Teal, male (Bell's Lane, 5/10/2014)
Bobolink, male (Bell's Lane, 5/10/14)
Yellow Warbler, male (Bell's Lane, 5/10/14)
Kentucky Warbler, male (near Elliott Knob, 5/10/14)
Cape May Warbler, male (Gypsy Hill Park, 5/12/14)
Hooded Warbler, male (SNP, 5/13/14)
Scarlet Tanager: M & F ! (SNP, 5/13/14)
American Redstart, adult & juv. males (SNP, 5/13/14)
Pine Warbler, male (SNP, 5/13/14)
Red-headed Woodpecker (SNP, 5/13/14)
Indigo Bunting, male (SNP, 5/13/14)
Cerulean Warbler, male (SNP, 5/13/14)
Magnolia Warbler, male (Staunton, 5/14/14)
Blackpoll Warbler, male (Staunton, 5/14/14)
Gray Catbird (Bell's Lane, 5/15/14)
Brown Thrasher (Bell's Lane, 5/15/14 & 5/19/14)
Warbling Vireo (Coles Creek, Bridgewater, 5/16/14)
Eastern Meadowlark (Bridgewater, 5/16/14)
Killdeer (Nazarene Wetlands, 5/16/14)
Chestnut-sided Warbler: M (Briery Branch Rd., 5/16/14)
Black-throated Blue Warblers: M (Briery Br. Rd., 5/16/14)
Black-throated Green Warblers: M (Briery Br. Rd., 5/16/14)
Field Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 5/19/14)
Eastern Meadowlark (Bell's Lane, 5/19/14)
Baltimore Oriole: M (McCormick's Mill, 5/21/14)
Eastern Wood Pewee (McCormick's Mill, 5/21/14)
Yellow Warbler: M (Willow Lake, 5/21/14)
Great Blue Heron, RW Blackbird (Willow Lake, 5/21/14)
Orchard Oriole: M (Willow Lake, 5/21/14)
Greater Yellowlegs (Willow Lake, 5/21/14)
Bald Eagle (Willow Lake, 5/21/14)
Orchard Oriole, 1st-year male (Bell's Lane, 5/23/14)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 5/23/14)
Red-eyed Vireo (Blackrock Gap, SNP, 5/24/14)
Black & White Warbler: M (Blackrock Gap, SNP, 5/24/14)
Worm-eating Warbler (Blackrock Gap, SNP, 5/24/14)
Blackburnian Warbler: M (Blackrock Gap, SNP, 5/24/14)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Blackrock Summit, SNP, 5/24/14)
Raven (Horsehead Mtn. Overlook, SNP, 5/24/14)
Savannah Sparrow (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Screech Owl (3 juv.)
gray morph (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Golden-winged Warbler: M (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Vesper Sparrow (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Hermit Thrush (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: M (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Red-headed Woodpecker: M (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Brown-headed Cowbird: M (Highland Co., 6/1/14)
Eastern Phoebe
nest, babies (Confed. Breastworks, 6/1/14)
Indigo Bunting, 1st-year male (Bell's Lane, 6/3/14)
Worm-eating Warbler (Madison Run, SNP, 6/4/14)
Red-eyed Vireo (Madison Run, SNP, 6/4/14)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Bell's Lane, 6/4/14)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 6/4/14)
Indigo Bunting, male (Augusta Springs, 6/7/14)
Bald Eagle nest, 2 juv. (Swoope, 6/7/14)
Mallard, female (Augusta Springs, 6/7/14)
N. Rough-winged Swallow (Swoope, 6/7/14)
Common Yellowthroat, male (Bell's Lane, 6/9/14)
Veery (Pocosin Cabin, SNP, 6/14/14)
Chestnut-sided Warbler: M (Pocosin Cabin, SNP, 6/14/14)
American Redstart: M (Pocosin Cabin, SNP, 6/14/14)
Indigo Bunting: M ( , SNP, 6/14/14)
House Wren (Loft Mtn. Wayside, SNP, 6/14/14)
Eastern Phoebe (Loft Mtn. Wayside, SNP, 6/14/14)
Fledgling Catbird? (Staunton, 6/17/14)
Dickcissel: M (N of Vermillion, SD, 6/20/14)
Baltimore Oriole: M (N of Vermillion, SD, 6/20/14)
Lark Sparrow (N of Vermillion, SD, 6/20/14)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Spirit Mound, SD, 6/20/14)
Orchard Oriole: 1st-year male (Spirit Mound, SD, 6/20/14)
Baltimore Oriole: M (S of Burbank, SD, 6/21/14)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Joplin, MO, 6/23/14)
Great-tailed Grackle (S of Durant, OK, 6/23/14)
White-winged Dove (Arlington, TX, 6/24/14)
Great-tailed Grackle (S of Mineral Wells, TX, 6/24/14)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (E of Roscoe, TX, 6/24/14)
Black-throated Sparrow (W of Pecos, TX, 6/24/14)
Black-chinned Hummingbird: F/JM (Las Cruces, NM, 6/25/14)
Curve-billed Thrasher (W of Deming, NM, 6/25/14)
Say's Phoebe (E of San Simon, AZ, 6/25/14)
Western Kingbird (Willcox, AZ, 6/25/14)
Cassin's Kingbird (E of Benson, AZ, 6/25/14)
Eurasian Collared Dove (Gila River Ind. Res., AZ, 6/25/14)
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (Gila River Ind. Res., 6/25/14)
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (Gila River Ind. Res., 6/26/14)
Phainopepla: F (Marana, AZ, 6/26/14)
Blue Grosbeak: F (Marana, " " )
Gila Woodpecker (Sabino Canyon, AZ, 6/27/14)
Cactus Wren (Sabino Canyon, " ") ~
juv. (Sabino Canyon, " " )
Violet-green Swallow (Sabino Canyon, " " )
Western Wood-Pewee (Santa Catalina Mtns., AZ, 6/27/14)
Painted Redstart (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Acorn Woodpecker (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Yellow-eyed Junco ~
juv. (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Plumbeous Vireo (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Spotted Towhee (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Cordilleran Flycatcher (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Broad-billed Hummingbird: M (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Broad-tailed Hummingbird: F (Santa Catalina Mtns., "")
Wild Turkey: F (Santa Catalina Mtns., " " )
Lesser Nighthawk (Sabino Canyon, AZ, 6/28/14)
Purple Martin: M & F (Sabino Canyon, " " )
Brown-crested Flycatcher (Sabino Canyon, " " )
Say's Phoebe
J (Green Valley, AZ, 6/28/14)
Cactus Wren (Green Valley, " " )
Canyon Towhee (Green Valley, " " )
Rufous-winged Sparrow (Green Valley, " " )
Ladder-backed Woodpecker: M (Green Valley, " " )
Gray Hawk (Nogales, AZ, 6/28/14)
Bridled Titmouse (Patagonia, AZ, 6/28/14)
) Phainopepla: M (Patagonia, " " )
Vermilion Flycatcher, JM (Patagonia, " " )
) Lucy's Warbler: M & J (Patagonia, " " )
Bewick's Wren (Patagonia, " " )
Ladder-backed Woodpecker: M (Patagonia, " " )
Yellow-breasted Chat (Patagonia, " " )
Blue Grosbeak (San Pedro River, AZ, 6/29/14)
Lesser Goldfinch: M & F (San Pedro River, " " )
Black-chinned HB: M & F (San Pedro River, " " )
Vermilion Flycatcher: M & F (San Pedro River, " " )
Summer Tanager: M (San Pedro River, " " )
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (San Pedro River, " " )
Abert's Towhee (San Pedro River, " " )
Varied Bunting: F (San Pedro River, " " )
Yellow-breasted Chat (San Pedro River, " " )
Common Ground Dove (San Pedro River, " " )
Phainopepla: F (San Pedro River, " " )
Mexican Jay (Chiricahua Mtns., AZ, 6/29/14 & 6/30/14)
Greater Roadrunner (N of Chiricahua Mtns., AZ, 6/30/14)
Gambel's Quail (N of Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Black-throated Sparrow (N of Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Hepatic Tanager: M (Portal / Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Hermit Thrush, juv. (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Acorn Woodpecker (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Yellow-eyed Junco (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Western Wood-Pewee (Chiricahua Mtns., " " )
Raven (Bosque del Apache NWR, NM, 7/1/14)
Black-chinned (?) Hummingbirds (Bosque del Apache, " " )
Double-crested Cormorant (Bosque del Apache, " " )
Pied-billed Grebe (Bosque del Apache, " " )
Cinnamon Teal: M & F (Bosque del Apache, " " )
Vesper Sparrow (Las Vegas NWR, 7/2/14)
Western Meadowlark (Las Vegas NWR, " " )
Cassin's Kingbird (Las Vegas NWR, " " )
Burrowing Owl (Las Vegas NWR, " " )
Swainson's Hawk (near Felt, OK, 7/2/14)
Bullock's Oriole: M (Cimmaron Nat. Grassland, KS, 7/2/14)
Red-tailed Hawk (S of Larned, KS, 7/2/14)
American Avocet (Cheyenne Bottoms, KS, 7/2/14)
Black-necked Stilt (Cheyenne Bottoms, KS, 7/2/14)
Mississippi Kite (Dodge City, KS, 7/2/14)
Western Kingbird (Dodge City, KS, 7/2/14)
Mississippi Kite
in nest (Salina, KS, 7/3/14)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Adams Homestead, SD, 7/9/14)
House Wren: juv. (Adams Homestead, SD, 7/9/14)
Brown-headed Cowbirds: M (Adams Homestead, SD, 7/9/14)
Wood Ducks: F & J (Adams Homestead, SD, 7/9/14)
Warbling Vireo (Adams Homestead, SD, 7/9/14)
Killdeer, adult & baby (Vermillion, SD, 7/9/14)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (S of Burbank, SD, 7/10/14)
Bank Swallow (S of Burbank, SD, 7/10/14)
Bald Eagle, immature (S of Burbank, SD, 7/10/14)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Mulberry Bend, NE, 7/10/14)
Cliff Swallow (Missouri River bridge, SD, 7/10/14)
Common Grackle (Vermillion, SD, 7/12/14)
Horned Lark, male (S of Vermillion, SD, 7/15/14)
Blue Grosbeaks, M & F (S of Vermillion, SD, 7/15/14)
Cliff Swallows (Vermillion River bridge, SD, 7/16/14)
House Wren (Vermillion, SD, 7/16/14)
Orchard Oriole: M (Vermillion, SD, 7/16/14)
Red-headed Woodpecker: A, J (Clay Co. Park, SD, 7/17/14)
Yellow Warbler: M (Clay Co. Park, SD, 7/17/14)
Dickcissel (Vermillion Prairie Nat. Cons., SD, 7/17/14)
Mourning Dove, nest (Vermillion, SD, 7/18/14)
Barn Swallow, nest, babies (Vermillion, SD, 7/18/14 & 7/21/14)
Canada Goose on golf course (Vermillion, SD, 7/19/14)
American Goldfinch: M (Vermillion, SD, 7/20/14)
Bobolinks: F, J (Spirit Mound, SD, 7/22/14)
Brown-headed Cowbirds: M, F (Spirit Mound, SD, 7/22/14)
Common Yellowthroat: M (Spirit Mound, SD, 7/22/14)
Willet (W of Hub City, SD, 7/22/14)
Lesser Yellowlegs (W of Hub City, SD, 7/22/14)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak: F (Mulberry Bend, NE, 7/23/14)
Bell's Vireo (Niobrara, NE, 7/23/14)
Ring-billed Gulls (S of Tabor, SD, 7/23/14)
Orchard Oriole: F (Gavins Point Dam, SD, 7/23/14)
Yellow Warbler: M, F (Gavins Point Dam, SD, 7/23/14)
Western Sandpiper (Leonard's Pond, 8/12/14)
Least Sandpiper (Leonard's Pond, 8/12/14)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Leonard's Pond, 8/12/14)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: JM (Afton Mtn., 9/6/14)
Eastern Wood Pewee (Blue Ridge Parkway, 9/6/14)
Hooded Warbler: M (Blue Ridge Parkway, 9/10/14)
Ovenbird (Blue Ridge Parkway, 9/10/14)
Common Yellowthroat: F (Blue Ridge Parkway, 9/10/14)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak: JM (BRP, 9/10/14)
Cape May, Magn., Ch.-sided, & Black-thr. Green Warblers (9/10-18/14)
Brown Thrasher (SARS, 9/15/14)
Scarlet Tanager, female (Rockfish Valley trail, 9/18/14)
Cape May Warbler (Rockfish Valley trail, 9/18/14)
Carolina Chickadee (Blue Ridge Parkway, 9/18/14)
Cooper's Hawk (Afton Mtn., 9/18/14)
Eastern Phoebe (Frontier Culture Mus., 9/19/14)
Downy Woodpecker, male (Staunton, 9/19/14)
Willow Flycatcher (Bell's Lane, 9/20/14)
Cape May Warbler (Staunton, 9/20/14)
Red-bellied Woodpecker, juv. (Blue Ridge Pkwy., 9/22/14)
Red-tailed Hawk (BRP, Afton, 10/2/14)
Common Yellowthroat (BRP, Afton, 10/2/14)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Augusta Springs, 10/4/14)
Palm Warbler (Swoope, 10/4/14)
Cape May Warbler (Staunton, 10/8/14)
Cedar Waxwing, juv. (MHP, Staunton, 10/8/14)
Blue-headed Vireo (MHP, Staunton, 10/8/14)
Black-throated Blue Warbler, M (MHP, Staunton, 10/8/14)
Red Phalarope (Bridgewater, 10/14/14)
Dunlin, Pectoral Sandpiper (Leonard's Pond, 10/14/14)
Merlin * -- ID corrected (Bell's Lane, 10/14/14)
Red-tailed Hawk (Big Levels, 10/27/14)
Winter Wren (Chimney Hollow, 11/1)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Chimney Hollow, 11/1)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Staunton, 11/1)
Brown Creeper (Candler's Mtn., Lynchburg, 11/4)
Pileated Woodpecker, male (Betsy Bell Hill, 11/9)
Carolina Chickadee (Bell's Lane, 11/9)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Lynchburg, 11/11)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1st Y M (Lynchburg, 11/11)
Bald Eagle (Newport News, VA, 11/22)
Gannet (Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, VA, 11/22)
Black Scoters, F (CBBT, 11/22)
Brown Pelicans (CBBT, 11/22 & Va. Beach, 11/23)
Double-crested Cormorant (CBBT, 11/22)
Ring-billed Gull (CBBT, 11/22)
Great Black-backed Gull (Virginia CBBT, 11/22)
Laughing Gull (Virginia Beach, 11/23)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Virginia Beach, 11/23)
Royal Terns (Virginia Beach, 11/23)
Forster's Terns (Virginia Beach, 11/23)
Fish Crow (Virginia Beach, 11/23)
Brown-headed Nuthatch (First Landing S.P., VA, 11/23)
Gadwalls, M & F (Back Bay NWR, 11/23)
Swamp Sparrow (Back Bay NWR, 11/23)
All locations are in Virginia unless otherwise stated. Abbreviations:
MHP = Montgomery Hall Park, Staunton, VA
FCM = Frontier Culture Museum, Staunton, VA
SNP = Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
BRP = Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia
A.S. = Augusta Springs wetlands, Virginia
RMNP = Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
SARS = Staunton-Augusta Rescue Squad, Staunton, VA
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