BaseballBaseball blogsBaseball Musings by David Pinto Mop Up Duty (Canada!) Capitol Punishment by Chris Needham Stadium Drawings blog by Terry Schulz United States of Baseball by Peter Handrinos Baseball Primer For hard-core devotees. The Diamond Angle, "The Eclectic Baseball Magazine" Baseball 363 (Expos) Baseball In-Depth (Brad Templeman) General sports -- Writers, by Eric Mirlis and collaborators. Off Wing Opinion, by Eric McErlain (hockey focus) New! The Sport Blog Baseball sitesReference, etc.Major League Baseball:
Society for American Baseball Research Tom Stanton (author) Business of Baseball (SABR) (links) Doug Pappas's Business of Baseball Baseball Reference Stats and info, old team logos HR distances, etc. by Joe Mock Rabid Orangutan by Scott Larson Project Ballpark by Paul Healey Mike Castro's Fields of Dreams The Local 'Nine': Cincinnati ball yards Ballpark pens by William Hartel Ballparks by Munsey & Suppes. Federal League Ballparks ????? Stadiums of NFL (Football!) Satellite photos, via Sports Temples, Boston Public Library (archival photos) Ruthless Baseball book by Harry Swanson Minor LeaguesValley League Baseball (Shenandoah) Negro League Ball Players Assoc. Baseball politicsField of Schemes Anti-public funding of stadiums League of Fans, by Ralph Nader. Team / fan Web sites |
PoliticsBlog roll (partial)(Former) Regular reads:InstaPundit (Glenn Reynolds) Sense of Events (Donald Sensing) Blogs I should read:Virginia blogs (active):Virginia political blogs (Waldo J.) Political Web sitesStaunton - Waynesboro - Augusta County GOP Virginia Public Access Project NBC News & Sports (Meet the Press, etc.) Federation for American Immigration Reform International Republican Institute Project for a New American Century American Civil Liberties Union Political humorJohn Muir's Day by Day Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury Dan Perkins' Tom Tomorrow The Onion (funny fake news) Scrappleface (funnier fake news) Guns 'n' Butter (right-wing funny fake news) News linksNewspapers(Shenandoah Valley) 81 Magazine Radio and TVWRVA radio, Richmond, VA WTOP radio, Washington, DC WINA radio, Charlottesville WVPT Ch. 29 TV (PBS), Harrisonburg WHSV Ch. 3 TV (ABC), Harrisonburg WVIR Ch. 29 TV (NBC), Charlottesville News Web sitesThe New Dominion (ex-Augusta Free Press) |
Latin AmericaLatin America blogs:Eduardo's Barrio Flores Peru Election 2006 (U. of Brit. Col.) Barcepundit (Catalonia) Latin America linksOrganizationsAndean Community (English) Organization of American States (English) North American Conference on Latin America Info, resourcesLatin Focus Up-to-date economic data and reports. Latin American Information Center (Univ. of Texas) Political database of Latin America (Georgetown Univ.) WarMilitary / war blogs:Michael Yon, Iraq photojournalist Intel Dump, by Phillip Carter Military Web sitesStrategy Page, by James F. Dunnigan StratFor (Strategic forecasts) Center For Defense Information U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Wild birdsBirding Web sites:Augusta Bird Club (member and Web master) Shenandoah Valley Birding (e-mail) Virginia Society of Ornithology Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail Birding Pal (travel) Gone Birding (Costa Rica) (Lima, Peru) (French) Reciprocal links:The Really Wild Bird Food Company (Roll over link for details.)
Conservation linksNational Parks Conservation Assoc. (Shenandoah) Valley Conservation Piedmont Environmental Council Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries More links on this site: |
My blog practicesMy general practice is to make no more than one blog post per day on any one category. For this reason, some blog posts may address more than one specific issue, as indicated by separate headings. If something important happens during the day after I make a blog post, I may add an updated paragraph or section to it, using the word "UPDATE" and sometimes a horizontal rule to distinguish the new material from the original material. For each successive day, blog posts are listed on the central blog page (which brings together all topics) from top to bottom in the following (reverse alphabetical) order, which may differ from the order in which the posts were originally made:
The date of each blog post refers to when the bulk of it was written, in the Eastern Time Zone. For each blog post, the time and date of the original posting (or the last update or comment thereupon) is displayed on the individual archival blog post page that appears (just before the comments section) when you click the [LINK / comments] link next to the date. Non-trivial corrections and clarifications to original blog entries are indicated by the use of [brackets] and/or The current "home made" blog organization system that I created, featuring real permalinks, was instituted on November 1, 2004. Prior to that date, blog posts were handled inconsistently, and for that reason the pre-2005 archives pages are something of a mess. Furthermore, my blogging prior to June 1, 2004 was often sporadic in terms of frequency. Copyright © Andrew G. Clem. All rights reserved. Use of this site indicates your agreement to the Terms of Use. |